I'm down to three days before I head south for the winter...or the mid-winter...or just the weekend...to present my Costumer's Guild stuff. For a bunch of details, you can see my SCA blog on that. There are a lot of words, although it's a bit light on pictures of what I'll be presenting. I'm thinking that after I present...that is, assuming they'll allow me to present...I can have photos of everything that passed muster and what was lacking. I'm hoping that I've dotted all my T's and crossed all my I's.
I knew today was going to be rough when I woke up to the alarm, and I reached over pushing every button I could reach to get it to shut up because it's Saturday and I don't need to wake up. Ten seconds later, I realize my error. Now not only can I not snooze, having disabled the option for the day, but I will, indeed, have to get up NOW before I get too cozy and fall asleep. Ah, well...at least I can get a shower in today and not have to rush. (THERE'S the sunny side!)
Today was an adventure in dentistry and scouting. Dropped off all the kids at the respective schools by 8 a.m. Went home and had a quick cuppa before racing around again. Picked up Emma at 9:30, took her to the orthodontist to remove the wires from her braces. Dropped her off there and went back to pick up the littles at school and went back to the Ortho. Went inside and talked with Dr. Ortho for just a moment who asked about the broken teeth and how it happened. Like he couldn't ask the 15 year old? Weird. Stole another lip goop (I do this on every visit--it's the best lip goop in the world and I figure I'm getting my money's worth having two kids in dental appliances and a third one coming 'round the bend). Took all three kids to the dentist for routine check up and cleaning for them and myself. We're all good, but it took TWO HOURS. Oh, and Dr. Dentist did a bit more fixing up on Emma's tooth to smooth it out where he couldn't reach behind the wires--which is why he wanted us to have the wires taken off before the cleaning. Grab lunch...although Emma's lip was all frozen again from the procedure, so she nibbled. Back to the Ortho to get the wires put back on. It's only an hour before school gets out at this point, so I take Emma and Ben home and drop them off. Cammie and I grab the Girl Scout stuff and head back to school where Cammie goes back to class for 30 minutes.
Girl Scout meeting commences. We're getting ready for hosting the cookie rally. It's a lot of rah-rah-rah to sell cookies, but the event will help teach them to make change for customers, learn some good safety tips and how to ask politely (and graciously take no for an answer...NO SNARKY REMARKS!), learn how to ask for donations for the military and other charity gifts (many Girl Scout troops donate boxes of cookies to local food banks and homeless shelters), and make nice posters to draw the customers in. Oh, and they get to eat some cookies. Yumm.
On my way home from the first GS meeting, I got an IM that my friend Scarlett was in town visiting another friend, and she suggested that if I had time, I should stop by. She's living in Portland now, but working in Bellevue, so she's staying with friends during the week and driving home on weekends. Rough gig...but it's a temp job that may turn into something permanent. If it does, they'll be heading North.
Kelly had to take Ben to speech therapy, and I knew I didn't have much time to eat or cook. Zip home for a quick dinner of burgers--made by Emma. I gave her directions to make spaghetti, but she wisely decided that since only three of us would be eating, it seemed a waste to make dinner for 5. Good point. She didn't make a vegetable, so we had fruit cups. And we didn't have buns, so we used wheat bread. Remind me not to buy wheat bread again. It tastes like dryer lint.
And then...oh, yes...my day's not done yet...off to the Girl Scout Leader Meeting! Sigh. I didn't get to talk to the one gal I wanted to about the cookie rally. I'll have to send her an email. No biggie--I just thought I'd try to corner her while I had her in front of me. After an hour at that meeting, they started to play some kind of Girl Scout Jeopardy with the safety manual and volunteer guide. I decided I really didn't need to be there for that, so I snuck out.
I was able to stop by and visit with Scarlett and Elizabeth for a little more than an hour. It was great catching up. We vowed to try to get together more often. It would be great to do that...she'll find out if her job is being extended very soon...hopefully in a day or two.
Gotta sleep fast...another busy day tomorrow!
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