Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Ten on Tuesday

For this Ten on Tuesday, I am directed (not really) to tell you ten things I did this weekend.  We'll see if I can think of ten.

1.  Friday pizza night was *home made* pizza night!  We had instant bread from a can, but we made sauce (OK, it was from a can, too, but it was plain tomato sauce and we added spices), added cheese (pre-grated), and meats (packaged).  Semi-home made.

2.  Cammie's soccer game.  They played this team before and although they lost to them again, it was not as devastating a loss as last time.  Their first game they lost 11-5.  This one was 3-2. 

3.  Emma had her yellow belt challenge.  It was two hours of running, jumping, punching, and kicking, and she was very sweaty at the end.  No surprise, she passed!

4.  While she was earning her belt, the other two kids sat on the edge of the sidewalk with their feet dangling into a work zone.  I saw this and thought, "Caution:  Children at Play".

5.  Celebrated the yellow belt at a sushi place just a few doors down from the studio.  Yum!

6.  Kelly went to the Sounders game where instead of the usual 36,000 attendees, there were 64,000!  Since we only have one season ticket, I stayed at home where I spent the better part of an hour trying to get on the internet, looking for a live streaming video of the game.

7. Fought with my computer for several hours when it couldn't connect to the internet.  I finally gave up and used Kelly's computer. I finally located, but it was about 90 seconds ahead of the "live" sports cast of the radio host...at least until half time, and then the timing evened out a lot better. (Sounders won!)

8.  Sewed four garments for a pair of Halloween/All Saints costumes.  Two identical skirts and two similar doublets (vests) for Elizabethan outfits.  Both girls are dressing up as St. Margaret Ward, who was tortured and hanged for helping a priest escape prison in the Tudor era, when many Catholics were not allowed to practice their faiths. 

9.  Spent a bunch of time getting ready for the Girl Scouts meeting.  I've been creating the Retro Girl Scouts booklet based on the Junior Girl Scout Handbook from 1972.  It's chock full of GS history and traditions that the new books have omitted.  I have also found some great GS clip art, stories, articles and more online that I've included.  I'm trying to decide whether or not to omit the parts about bookkeeping and troop funds since, legally, all that is in the hands of an adult treasurer.

10.  Wrote a letter to a friend who I knew was going to India. Turns out she's already there!  She's excited because now she has running water solar showers.  Talking about going green!  I asked her a bunch of questions about environmental issues in India and how things are changing (if at all).

What do you know?!  10 things!  I was thinking I was going to have to add "ate breakfast" and "slept" to the list. 

Now I'm off to the fabric store to look at patterns for Halloween costumes...for myself!


1 comment:

  1. You are one busy person! I always wonder how you manage to do so much.


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