Saturday, July 14, 2012

It was a dark and stormy night...

OK, it wasn't dark, and it wasn't night...but I woke up with the sounds of storms out the window.  I don't often experience storms out here, so it was kinda fun and nostalgic to have a storm going on.  Usually these things last 10-15 minutes and it's all over.  Today's storm lasted for hours...booming and flashes for 30 minutes or more, then it cleared a little.  A couple hours later, it started again.  It went on like that all day.  At 7 pm, it started up again and rained really hard for a few minutes, and eventually cleared up.  The storm clouds were still on the horizon and as the sun set, the rays shone around the thunderheads.  It was really quite remarkable!

The day was rather slow-paced today.  The kids did their chores, including Ben mopping (most of) the kitchen floor.  He likes the wet Swiffer mop, which he calls the Swiper, and also likes doing laundry.  Emma likes folding laundry, but no one likes doing dishes.  Ah well.  Every little bit helps.

After many of the chores were done, I sat down to get the quilt top done for Diana and Miguel as a gift for their new baby, Valentina.  I had a lot of problems with the borders and getting the white pieces the right size, and after a lot of struggling, swearing, running out of the first fabric and finding a substitute, I got it all pieced together.  Finally.  I have to quilt it up this weekend, if I can get Tara's finished, or at least done enough to remove from the frame...which is just about at that point.  I could do a LOT more on Tara's quilt, but it's taken so long already that it's holding up progress on other projects.

My leg muscles are finally starting to feel normal after the long hike with the Scouts.  My ankle still hurts a little...not like a sprain, but just a little achy like I tweaked something but not seriously.  I'm just trying to take it easy on that ankle for a few days.  My toe joint is also a little sore--I wonder if this is one of those things that is developing due to age...

Tomorrow is more of the same.  Quilting, chores, and maybe a trip to the grocery store.  We don't have any big plans this weekend, but since Emma is having a weekend at her friend's house, we can cook all the things she doesn't like to eat. :)

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Sorry--I'm getting a lot of junk emails, so moderation is necessary. Maybe just allowing members of the blog to comment would be easier...or those with Google accounts...let me know if that would be easier.