Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Club Med, Day 2

We've mostly settled in to the room, got the beginnings of a routine down, although there are still a lot of things that have to get into a regular time slot--the physiotherapists have a rather large window of when they'll stop by...

He had a good breakfast of bacon and french toast (ate a few bites of the french toast and ALL the bacon), then we found out that he was going to get a PICC line put in today.  Because it's not the most comfortable procedure and he needs to lie completely still, they needed to knock him out.  To do this, of course, he needs to have an empty stomach.  This means six hours of no food.

We burned up an hour or so by going down to the play room where he found two drawers full of Lincoln Logs.  He and a little girl spent some time building towers and parking lots, we chose a couple books to read, and headed back to the room.  He worked on his math homework for quite a while, finishing several pages of fractions (much to the amazement of the doctors and nurses who came in and asked him if second graders were really learning fractions already).

The school teacher at the hospital stopped by to ask if we would use their services--she can coordinate with his teacher to get additional assignments if he needs them, or get a good idea of what concepts, activities and projects they are covering in the classroom that aren't reflected in the books or handouts.  Good deal!

We were told that they got an appointment time to get the PICC at 2:30.  Our 2:30 appointment time turned into 3:00...then 3:30...then 4:30.  He was complaining about being hungry by then, but he had been good about it until then.

FINALLY, they had the room open so they could do the imaging and feed the line in.  He got back to the room around 6:30, where his dinner was waiting (it had just arrived and it was on a hot plate, so it was still pretty good.  He's now alert and getting his next doses of meds for the evening through the PICC line, which is less painful, but unfortunately is going to be more restrictive for movement and activity--they don't want him to be unplugged from it too often in order to keep it safer from infection.

While he was out in recovery, his nurse brought a box of Legos from the play room for him to play with.  After he ate his dinner, he started playing with them and hasn't stopped yet.

There's not much point in making him go to bed yet--he's got another treatment in an hour, so I might as well let him stay up a bit longer.  Right now we're watching the Anatomy of a Tsunami...something on PBS.  Should make for interesting dreams, right?

1 comment:

  1. So, are you staying at the hospital too? You must be going crazy not being able to work on more projects!! Hope all is going well for Ben.


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